How to Host Better Email Marketing Campaigns - Tips & Strategies

  • Mar 7, 2022

  • 2 min read

When you send an email campaign, you expect it to reach your readers, right? But what if the emails go straight to your subscribers' spam folders instead of their inboxes? To make sure your emails reach their recipients successfully, follow these email delivery tips.

Use an ESP

Use an email service provider (ESP) that has been tested by third-party email certification services. This ensures that your emails will be accepted by the major ISPs. An ESP that offers multiple IP addresses, or one that allows you to use your own IP address if necessary. ISPs often block messages from unknown senders, so having your own IP address helps get around this issue.

Be aware of what's normal for your target customers' inboxes. If you're sending out emails to people who are on Gmail and Yahoo accounts, then there's little chance they'll get blocked because their addresses haven't been flagged as spam yet. But if you're reaching out to people with Outlook or AOL addresses, there's a good chance your message will get flagged as junk mail and end up in their spam folder before they ever see it. Make sure you're testing different types of addresses before sending out any mass marketing campaigns.

Double opt-in

Before you send out any campaign using an email marketing tool, make sure that you have permission from your subscribers to send them emails. You can do this by asking them during signup or including a checkbox in the subscription form asking if they'd like to receive marketing communications from you in the future.

Use double opt-in when sending out marketing emails. This means that the recipient must have previously agreed to receive emails from you before they can see content in their inboxes or on their mobile devices. This helps prevent people from signing up for newsletters they don't want and can help protect against spam complaints from users who didn't know they had signed up for something in the first place.

Keep your content short and sweet

Your customers don't want to read lengthy emails full of text, so keep your messages short and sweet. If you have multiple products to promote, break up each product offer into its own email instead of sending one page-long message with multiple links embedded in it. That way, customers can easily find what they're looking for without having to scroll all over the page.

Use images sparingly (if at all). You might be tempted to include an image in every email you send out, but it's important to remember that images can cause problems when it comes to inbox delivery — particularly when they're used incorrectly or included in bulk emails from companies where the receiver doesn't know who sent them. If you're going


Choose a reliable ESP that allows you to track opens and clicks so you can figure out which types of messages work best for your audience.

Send your best email

So, remember to keep this in mind and to always know that if you are sending out emails related to your business, be sure to follow-up with customers or clients and make sure that they are getting their emails in a timely manner.

  • Arther Conal