Discover cost-saving strategies and optimize your Azure resources with our Azure Cost Optimization Portal. With a focus on storage, compute, licensing, monitoring, and PaaS, we implement tiered storage solutions, right-size virtual machines, leverage Azure Hybrid Benefit, and utilize Azure Cost Management + Billing for proactive cost control. Explore serverless computing options like Azure Functions and Logic Apps, along with Azure SQL Database Elastic Pools, to efficiently manage resources and reduce operational costs. Partner with us to streamline your Azure spending and maximize your ROI.
Azure Cost Optimization Portal
Service Type
Hours of Service
  • At Microsoft, I have delivered about 50~ Cost Optimisation Assessments as part of WAF for customers and I wanted to share some of the common cost savings that I offer to my customers based on real world experience. - Jing Nghik


  • Implement tiered storage solutions based on access frequency to reduce storage costs.
  • Set up lifecycle management policies to automatically delete or archive unused data.

Compute (IaaS)

  • Right-size virtual machines (VMs) based on actual usage to avoid over-provisioning.
  • Utilize Azure Reserved Instances (RIs) or Spot VMs for discounted pricing on compute resources.


  • Optimize software licensing by leveraging Azure Hybrid Benefit for Windows Server and SQL Server workloads.
  • Explore pay-as-you-go options for software licenses to align costs with usage.


  • Implement Azure Cost Management + Billing to track spending, analyze cost trends, and set budget alerts for cost control.


  • Utilize serverless computing options such as Azure Functions and Logic Apps to reduce operational overhead and costs.
  • Leverage Azure SQL Database Elastic Pools for cost-effective management of multiple databases with varying resource demands.