Our Managed Threat Intelligence service delivers real-time monitoring, rapid incident response, and customized threat reports to proactively protect your organization from cyber threats.
Managed Threat Intelligence - Proactive Cyber Threat Protection
Service Type
Managed Service
Hours of Service
Defender, Intelligence, Shield w/ cloud,
  • Collection and analysis of threat intelligence data
  • Continuous monitoring of the threat landscape
  • Sharing actionable threat intelligence reports
  • Proactive threat hunting services
  • Collaboration on threat mitigation strategies

Threat Monitoring and Detection:

  • Monitor and analyze threats in real-time across various sources including dark web, open source intelligence (OSINT), and threat feeds.
  • Implement continuous monitoring tools to detect and assess potential threats, ensuring proactive threat mitigation.

Incident Response and Threat Mitigation:

  • Provide rapid incident response services, including threat containment, remediation, and recovery measures.
  • DeveLop incident response playbooks, conduct tabletop exercises, and collaborate with incident response teams for effective threat mitigation.

Customized Threat Reports and Analysis:

  • Generate customized threat reports and analysis based on threat intelligence data, providing actionable insights and recommendations.
  • Deliver regular threat briefings, conduct threat hunting exercises, and offer strategic recommendations to strengthen cybersecurity posture based on threat intelligence analysis.